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Amid pandemic, our lives have changed beyond recognition. Everyone in Lockdown, unable to meet one another, all sectors came to standstill, all industries affected globally. It has…

Success Secrets

Everyone wants to be successful and yearns for the success mantra. Today I am writing about a person who is the epitome of success, someone who defines success. He is one of the most…


What's the first feeling that crops in our mind when we hear the word LOCKDOWN?' Frustration, Being caged, helpless without help (Maids). But isn't we all have always asked…


We all have grown up listening to phrases like “What you sow, is what you reap”. Now we know the technical term of it. Yes, I am talking about KARMA. It’s a life rule, what goes…

Winner or Loser?

At some point in life, we often wonder if we are a winner or a loser. But who is a winner or loser and who & what determines our winning and losing? We all have made certain…

How lucky are you?

The Road trip of life is a way too long. You never know which turn is waiting for you and where it will take you. Ever thought of settling abroad or becoming an officer? Do the…

Deaf or Dumb

Have you ever thought that every person we meet in our life is for some reason? They always teach us a lesson, doesn't matter good or bad. The important thing is how we see things coming…