Amid pandemic, our lives have changed beyond recognition.

Everyone in Lockdown, unable to meet one another, all sectors came to standstill, all industries affected globally.

It has affected one and all.

It has made us realize the true reality of human existence and life, though in a hard way.

But as it is said, Best lessons come the hard way.

It has shown us the mirror of how mindlessly we were leading our lives and where were we heading.

Few important lessons to be learned from corona are:

1. Family is the most important

This pandemic has re-instilled the fact that family is the most important part of our existence.

Fear of losing our loved ones, not able to meet them has revived the emotions that got buried deep down.

2. Survival

Essential things like Food (Roti), Clothes (kapda), and house (Makaan) are only required for survival, rest all that we spent was just a waste of money.

With Basics, we can lead a quality life.

3. Food

It made us realize that we can stay away from Junk Food.

We are what we eat.

We can lead to a good quality of life by eating clean, home-cooked food.

4. Work from Home

In this era of technology, it is proved once again that most of the office work can be done from home with equal or more productivity.

5. Nature reset

Nature has reminded us in its way that we are only Guests and not the masters.

It’s better that we learn this lesson and implement it and stop exploiting nature by taking it for granted.

Earlier air was polluted so we had to wear a mask, now even in clean air, we are forced to wear masks.

6. Less Traffic

We can limit the traffic & thus air pollution by commuting only when it is imperative as we have realized by this time that most of the things can be done from home and we need not travel for them.

7. Quid Pro Quo

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”- Newton

Mother nature has made it very clear that we just can’t get away exploiting her.

We will receive what we will give.

We covered the earth with pollution, plastics, caged animals and this is what has come back to us.

Now we are caged, covered in plastics (PPE kits).

So, guys, still we have time to mend our ways and start a new life post COVID Era.

Let’s make this earth a better place to live for everyone.

I would like to end with a beautiful song by Michael Jackson

“Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me

And the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make it a better place

For you and for me”


Stay Safe, stay tuned & keep Brewing!!!



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