है तुझपर गुरूर इतना, जितना खुद पर ऐतबार नहीं
तेरे ज़िक्र के बिना, आगाज़ नहीं- अंत नहीं
हो जाऊं गुम तेरी इबादत में, ऐसा सुकून दे मुझे
ऐ मौला अपनी रहमत का, थोड़ा अंश दे मुझे…
ओस की बूँद को समेटती बेले के पत्ते सी माँ
मलयज के झोकों सी माँ'
मरुभूमि में शीतलता सी माँ, हरियाली सी माँ
जिसे देख श्रम क्लांत पथिक जीवन का अमृत पा जाएँ
उस पर्वत सी अडिग निडर माँ…
With this lockdown, a lot of us got an opportunity to do some self-introspection and reflection.
The need for helping and giving has been well established as thousands lose their lives,…
We all have grown up listening to phrases like “What you sow, is what you reap”.
Now we know the technical term of it.
Yes, I am talking about KARMA.
It’s a life rule, what goes…
We always have one dream organization, a dream job, where we want to work ever since we enter into college or professional qualification.
But as it is said reality is way different than…
I know most of you will be reminded of the Atif Aslam song after reading the heading.
This article is not about this song, but this signature line definitely resonates with a life…