Success vs Happiness


What is Success? What is Happiness? Are we happy only when we are successful or we are successful if we are happy? Do success and happiness complement each other?

These are few debatable questions with no unanimous answer to it.

In a culture based on profit and earnings, we have grown up to attribute happiness as a byproduct of Success, measuring our lives by the level of achievements and goals attained. Most people think that Success is a Reflection of Happiness.

However, it takes only a few examples to realize that success can’t be the recipe for Happiness. If success did lead to happiness all the Rich and accomplished people would be the happiest people on the planet.

Happiness is perceived to be the key to Success as Happy people have positive emotions and Mindset that is required to succeed. The idea of happiness and success seems to be complementary to each other, however, the 2 concepts are different.

Success is more of a Judgment. We evaluate success based on our set standards.

Happiness is a feeling representing our emotions. One can still be happy without being successful. It is not about setting goals and accomplishing them, it is about developing a state of mind that makes us contented and appreciate things that make us achieve our purpose in life.

Success may or may not lead to Happiness but Happiness will surely lead to Success.

Happiness helps to cultivate the behavior that reinforces the positive attitude that results in Success.

Success and happiness are separate, but many times are complementary to each other. Success most definitely has a stake in happiness. Success is no doubt an achievement, but happiness is the only achievement. Do we all truly like doing things which don’t make us happy? The answer is NO. At the end of the day whatever we do or plan to do in life is to achieve Sense of Satisfaction and Happiness only else life starts seems to be Meaningless.

Success may seem like a Goal but happiness is the way there.

Success is all the money in the world; happiness is having family and friends to spend it on.

Success is measurable; happiness is limitless.

Success is working hard; happiness is loving the hard work.

Success is earned, happiness is achieved.

Success is never easy; happiness will never feel tough.

Success is money; happiness is value.

Success is following your dreams; happiness is living your dreams.

  1. Deepti Shivanand says

    Very Well explained..and it will really help people to understand the real meaning of happiness…😍

    1. Reetika Bindal says

      Thanks for reading and appreciating it.

      Keep reading & Keep Brewing.


  2. Deepti Shivanand says

    Very Well explained..and it will really help people to understand the real meaning of happiness…?

    1. Reetika Bindal says

      Thanks for reading and appreciating it.

      Keep reading & Keep Brewing.


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