The Indian Education System – A Scam


We all have been advised about the importance of education since our childhood.

Our parents and teachers have always emphasized how important it is to take education seriously in life else our future will not be secured.

Our parents give away all the means to provide the best in education.

I agree education is important but I also wonder that is the education that we acquire spending 1/4th of our lives is even relevant after passing out the colleges or acquiring degrees?

Are we getting the right learning’s from our present education system?

Isn’t our present system teaching us how to become successful slaves?

Why we still teach our students to become job seekers and not job providers?

Why we don’t educate them that degree is not equivalent to success?

Why we are focusing on grades alone and not on building the right mindset of our next generation?

Are we even conscious of what we are passing as a legacy in the name of education to our next generations?

Why teachers are still not paid much as compared to any other corporate jobs?

Here are the few major areas of concerns in our present system:

1.Outdated system

The Indian education system is the most outdated as it was introduced by Britishers and to date, we are following the same with minor changes in it.

2.Rote Learning

Conceptual learning and analysis must be introduced instead of mugging up the contents just to clear 100 marks paper. This will help students not only in understanding the concepts better but also how to apply them.

3.Evaluation system

Every student is evaluated on the same parameter. It is like judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree – Albert Einstein.  Instead of evaluating 100 marks paper alone, the evaluation must be on other parameters also as extra-curricular activities, leadership skills, communication skills, etc.

4.Humanistic Values

Students must be taught human values and life morals to help them become a better human being. They must be taught that life is not only about success and money.

The importance of failure and how to constructively deal with failures to turn them into success must also be taught.

5.Financial management

Students must be taught importance of the financial management like investing, savings, etc.

Management books must be introduced in the syllabus as these will help them to take charge of their lives once they are out of their cocoon.

6.Introduction of technology

We are still teaching the same old syllabus with the same old techniques whereas in the real world it has no more relevance.

In the era of digitization, automation, and robotics, are we preparing our children for the future by providing the latest education?

Most of the conventional jobs will be extinct in the next 2-5 years. But have we equipped our children with the changes?

I believe that it’s high time that we upgrade our education system and pass on the right mindset, values, and skills to our next generation – the future of India.

Do share your views in the comments section below

Stay Safe, Stay tuned & Keep Brewing!!!








  1. Nidhi Rawal says

    Very well written.
    Fully agree with you. In future , only two things will help to sustain – human values and innovation, as conventional jobs will extinct. These things will come with right mind set and technology.

    1. Reetika Bindal says

      Thanks Nidhi and i am glad you liked it.
      Happy reading & keep brewing!!!

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