Technology ……Savvy or Servant?


We all say, technology has come a long way and now it does drive our lives. We all love unique gadgets and want to own the latest one, be it a phone, smartwatch or television. But the big question is, are we tech-savvy or becoming a servant to it.

The phone buzzes and here comes a notification and no matter what we are doing, eating, sleeping, spending time with family or driving, just one notification and we drop everything, we long on to pay attention. This has pretty much permeated the lives of people.

Phones, laptops have pretty much become the extended part of our body and we feel like handicapped without it. No trip is complete without them. It feels that vacation never happened if we have not uploaded our pics on facebook or Instagram. We follow the audit rule “not documented implies not done”

But the point to think here is, what do we really want? what are we longing for? Attention? maybe …. But are we really that sad and lonely? If not, we are leading towards it.

Technology also plays a very important role in our day to day lives. Today we can get fitness tips sitting at home, can change our lifestyle. Technology does have brought so many things within our reach, we can connect with anyone in person instantly and without geographical limitations. We are just an email away from our office and we don’t even need laptops to access those as well. Just an app on our phones and we are connected where ever we go, and it follows.

We get everything we need at our doorsteps. Today, everyone is Thanos of their own little world which they can change with just a snap of their fingers.

Honestly, technology has been so unforgiving in terms of how much it controls our lives and too demanding to adopt the changes it brings.

With it, our lives have become fast-paced that we forget to look around and see what other things are missing just to be savvy of it, but the truth is we have become the slaves.

Though if we admit in our minds that there are more important things in life than just being engaged in our phones and laptops we really can start focusing on the positives that technology brings.

  1. Suchit Seth says

    Great thoughts, best of luck to both Abhishek and Reetika.

    1. Abhishek says

      Thank you so much sir…

  2. Deepti Shivanand says

    Well said Abhishek… Technology has not only made us slaves but also depriving us from being social…. Human relations are neglected…. Humanity is shown only in words not in action….we really need to understand the real meaning of technology and not to become it’s slave.

  3. Suchit Seth says

    Great thoughts, best of luck to both Abhishek and Reetika.

    1. Reetika Bindal says

      Thank you so much Suchit Sir.. Your appreciation really means a lot.
      keep reading & Keep brewing.


    2. Abhishek says

      Thank you so much sir…

  4. Deepti Shivanand says

    Well said Abhishek… Technology has not only made us slaves but also depriving us from being social…. Human relations are neglected…. Humanity is shown only in words not in action….we really need to understand the real meaning of technology and not to become it’s slave.

  5. Abhishek says

    Thank you deepti……more to come…..keep brewing….

  6. Abhishek says

    Thank you deepti……more to come…..keep brewing….

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