I know, all these words sound familiar nowadays but what if, I am double lucky, getting both of the above … yes .. you all guessed it right, it’s my journey of quarantine love as an official lockdown couple… sounds unfair, I know .. but it’s TRUE !!!

” A relationship built to last can survive a stay – at – home … LOCKDOWN ” ?

How it’s quarantine love…

Well, we were officially far away from each other… 2 states apart… it’s ‘ K ‘ … ‘K’ for Kolkata and ‘ K’ for Kanpur… which led to our … ” kkkkk…. quarantine “…

Sounds romantic cliche… but actually helped us realize …

” Love is love..

From near or far……

It will always stay…..

Without fading away…… ”

Watch out for the above one … that’s 100 percent original… guys ..!!!

This whole duration of 4 months made me feel…. remember…. and cherish .. our fights …. our times together… our walks together …. and most importantly our outings …as now … we all can plan or think … when they will happen…..

Sometimes … I wonder .. ” is 2020  really the year of catastrophe ..”

Well, such big questions will be answered in the coming blogs for sure.

However, one thing for sure came into everyone’s mind; that is.. we all used to say, we didn’t have enough time for each other or to be at home, with our family.

Well, the time given to each of us was plenty… in rightful words abundant … but our flickering minds… again forced us to think of the opposite… i.e. Going Out… parties … long drives ..:: ?

We all really don’t take NO for anything  be it staying at home or getting quarantined… but wake Up … it’s not some phenomenon to enjoy .. but BE POSITIVE AND FIGHT WITH COURAGE… by boosting our IMMUNITY.

One thing for sure can help me sum up with this wonderful quote ” The best thing to hold onto to life is EACH OTHER ” !!

Always be thankful for being blessed and for your family and loved ones.

# stay home # stay safe

Stay Tuned & Keep Brewing!!!


  1. Vandna says

    Excellent, realistic, full of emotions with heart touching vocabulary

  2. Bhavika Bodani says

    So nice anupriya….you shared your feelings with wonderful way.keep going dear

  3. Iksha Agarwal says

    This is too good ?

  4. mona gupta says

    Beautiful write-up
    Expressions for the untold.
    Great ……would lov to hear more

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