Sex Education


One of the most important education yet underrated, especially in India.

Why it is still considered a taboo in India despite being an integral part of human life?

Why parents still shy away in talking about sex education with their children?

Why we still fail to realize the importance of the right Sex education?

It is as important as other formal education to build a strong foundation for lifelong sexual health.

The importance of delivery of sex education in India is also more significant since India has the largest adolescent population (243 million with more than 50% of the adolescent population living in urban areas).

Public discussions are still widely considered taboo and sign of being uncultured in Indian Society.

We as a society are still way behind in recognizing the importance of sex education in schools.

We need to understand that Sex education is not only Limited to Sex.

We need to focus on relationships, health, care, affection & consent as a comprehensive part of sex education.

Formal Sex education will provide youth a strong foundation in relationship building and healthy intimacy.

It could also lead to reduced instances of sexual harassment, violence, etc.

With increased rape cases, sexual harassment, eve-teasing cases, it’s high time we understand the importance of educating the youth in the right direction.

We can’t deny the fact that information is available in abundance in all the forms and every medium.

But are they the right source of information?

Isn’t too much information confusing the youth?

Isn’t this also our responsibility as parents and schools to provide channelize the information properly and effectively.

I know it’s a very subjective topic, but I believe that’s its importance cannot be neglected.

Do let me know your thoughts and views in the comments box below.

Stay Safe, stay tuned & Keep Brewing!!!

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