Humanity Disgraced…. Yet Again


Are we really human?

Or rather I should ask are we eligible to be called HUMAN?

I don’t think so because we have forgotten the basic elements in humans – Humanity

The recent incident that took place in Kerala proves my point.

How cruel one can be to give a pregnant elephant food with crackers.

It’s monstrous.

Have we become so insensitive that we can’t empathize with anyone humans or animals?

If we can’t help them who the hell has given us the right to harm them or kill them?

How sadist have we become to gain pleasure in others pain

Animals have shown more humanity than us in recent times… there are so many incidents illustrating the soft and caring side of animals, not just pets but wild animals.

What has forced us to become and behave worst than animals?

Where’s our sensitivity gone?

I feel so ashamed of the incident that happened yesterday that too in the most literate state of our country.

This implies that common sense doesn’t come with being educated alone.

Please help me by signing the petition in the link below and penalize the monsters who did such a heinous act.

Stay Human, Stay Safe, Live and Let Live

Stay Blessed and Keep Brewing!!!

Stay Human, Stay Safe, Live and Let Live

Stay Blessed and Keep Brewing!!!






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