The Independence Day


Independence means Freedom.

The freedom which we got on 15th Aug 1947 from the slavery of Britishers.

But after 74 years of independence, have we understood the true meaning of Independence or Freedom?

Freedom doesn’t come free.

This day is the result of all the sacrifices, blood, and sweat of all our freedom fighters and soldiers who are serving the country selflessly.

We are who we are and enjoy our lives because they have devoted their lives to the country.

But Don’t we have any responsibility for this Freedom?

Don’t we owe anything to our country?

Isn’t our responsibility too to make it more beautiful and cleaner?

Does Freedom of speech give us the right to speak whatever ill we want to speak for our country and our leaders irresponsibly?

Why our patriotism is limited to only 2 days – Republic Day and Independence Day out of 365 days?

I understand that we all can’t go on borders and fight, but as civilians too we can fulfill our duties towards our country.

We can contribute to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and make India cleaner and more beautiful.

To help overcome COVID situation and economic downfall, let’s be VOCAL for LOCAL, help our artisans and craftsmen in promoting their products, BAN Chinese products, Become ATMNIRBHAR and empower others by employing in our country, SKILL, UPSKILL, and RESKILL to add value to our nation.

We can stand united in diversity and strengthen our nation instead of fighting within ourselves.

Let’s take a pledge on this day that we will serve our country in our best capacities and will not expect only Govt or soldiers to take care of everything.

Let’s make our soldiers also proud and make them feel the difference when they are off duty.

Last but not the least, A heartfelt gratitude to all the Soldiers who are serving and protecting the nation selflessly.
Also, to all the Freedom Fighters Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru, Sukhdev, Chandra Shekhar Azad, and many more because of whom we could see the dawn of Independence.
Jai Hind!!!
Vande Matram!!!














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